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Scentsy Circle Scents Fundraiser

The Scentsy Circle Scents Fundraiser began yesterday and will continue until December 4th when the money and orders need to be turned in. They are sold in sets of 6 for $20. You can select different scents or all the same. Each student will earn $7 off each set they sell that will be applied towards the cost of their trips. Selling just 7 sets will earn them $49 which is only $1 shy of their $50 payment due in January. This is an easy fundraiser to help them earn for the trip. You can hang them in your car, hang them in your closet or any place you would like to enjoy the wonderful smells. If you need additional order forms, please pick one up from the directors. Items will be delivered approximately 2 weeks after the sale closes. Perfect timing for Christmas presents or stocking stuffers!

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