Five LHS Band students selected for OSU Honor Band Festival

This year, 12 Logan High School Band students have been selected to participate as musicians and alternates in the 2018 Ohio State University Honor Band Festival that will take place this weekend. Front from left is Emilee Smith, Logan Leffler, Megan Danison; (second row) Caitlin Prideau, Delaney Kelch, Caitlyn Myers; (back row) Emily Stout, David Vickroy, Tristan Myers, Austin Drennen; not pictured are Emma Watters and Jerry June.
LOGAN — On Wednesday, Logan-Hocking Director of Bands Pam Price announced that five students had been selected to perform in the 2018 Ohio State University Honor Band Festival set to take place this weekend.
The chosen students include senior percussionist Tristan Myers, senior tubist David Vickroy, sophomore French hornist Delaney Kelch, sophomore trumpeter Megan Danison, and sophomore percussionist Logan Leffler.
Alternates for the festival are senior clarinetist Emilee Smith, junior trombonist Austin Drennen, junior percussionist Jerry June, junior trumpeter Emma Watters, junior saxophonist Caitlin Prideau, sophomore clarinetist, Emily Stout, and sophomore saxophonist Caitlyn Myers.
“Band directors from across Ohio and neighboring states nominated up to 18 outstanding musicians, and students were chosen for participation based on instrumentation needs,” Price explained. “Over 700 individual student nominations from eight states were submitted for this year’s festival and 280 students representing 113 school districts were selected for three honor bands. Participants will join other advanced high school musicians for an exciting weekend of high-level music making.”
The festival itself takes place over a long weekend, beginning Friday, Jan. 12 and concluding with a free afternoon concert on Sunday, Jan. 14 at 1:30 p.m. During the course of the festival, the 280 students from around the state will enjoy master classes with OSU School of Music faculty, a concert by The Ohio State University Wind Symphony, and rehearsal time in one of the three festival bands.
The three festival bands are the Honors Wind Symphony, directed by Dr. Russel Mikkelson, the Honors Scarlet Symphonic Band under the direction of Dr. Scott Jones, and the Honors Gray Symphonic Band directed by Dr. Christopher Hoch.
The afternoon concert, which is free and open to the public, will take place in the Weigel Auditorium on The Ohio University campus. The concert will open with the Honors Scarlet Symphonic Band at 1:30 p.m., followed by the Honors Gray Symphonic Band at 2:15 p.m., and conclude with the Honors Wind Symphony at 3 p.m.
Directions and parking for visitors can be found by visiting the OSU School of Music website,