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2015 Fall Festival of Bands

An evening of marching band pageantry and excitement is on tap for area residents with the annual Fall Festival of Bands sponsored by the Logan Band Boosters.

This year's event will begin at 6 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 3 at the Logan Chieftain Stadium. Admission is $5 with children five and under free.

The 2015 Fall Festival will host nine marching bands featuring a pre-game show, nine band shows, and will conclude with all the bands massing on the field for trophy presentations. Concession stands will be open to the public.

The complete schedule of events follows:

• 6 p.m. – Pre-game, National Anthem, Logan Marching Chieftains.

• 6:15 – Fisher Catholic High School, Judy Rehrer, director.

• 6:25 – Federal-Hocking High School, Julia Olson, director; Conor Hartwick, assistant.

• 6:35 – Alexander High School, Lindsay VanWinkle, director; Kevin Dael, assistant; and John Obringer, percussion.

• 6:45 – New Lexington High School, Kaylan Featheroff and Taylor Langreder, directors; Carrie Barker and Maggie

Cannon, flags.

• 6:55 – Vinton County High School, Rebecca Titus, director.

• 7:05 – Unioto High School, Derek Condo, director.

• 7:15 – Oak Hill High School, Bryce Werntz, director; Kim Spohn, assistant.

• 7:25 – Granville High School, Jerod Smith, director; Andrew Krumm, assistant; Emily Hare, color guard.

• 7:35 – Logan High School, Jeff North, director; Pam Price, Ben Wright, and Dr. Tom Romine, assistants.

• 7:45 – All bands mass on field for trophy and money presentations.

The Marching Chieftain Band is 144 members strong and is one of a few remaining high school bands using a traditional military march style and performing four half-time shows during the season.

The Logan Marching Band places emphasis on local performances including 10 football games, Veteran's Day Parade, Christmas Parade, Memorial Day Parade, Ohio University Band Day, and the Circleville Pumpkin Show Parade.

The Chieftains have garnered top awards at out of town parades and have been selected to perform in the 1996 National Independence Day Parade in Washington, D.C., the 2000 St. Patrick's Day Parade in New York City, the 2004 Outback Bowl in Tampa, Florida, the 2008 and 2012 "Share a Dream Come True" Parade at Disney World in Orlando, Florida, and the 2016 National Cherry Blossom Parade in Washington, D.C.

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